Answers in Genesis is the main young earth creation science ministry in the United States and United Kingdom. They conduct many seminars, speeches, and other events in these countries. The topics below are rebuttals to AiG claims.
In early 2006, Answers in Genesis split off from its parent organization, but kept the name (the parent is now Creation Ministries International).
Old Earth Ministries and Answers in Genesis - What's the Difference?
Creation Magazine
To see the rebuttals for this popular creation science magazine, click the header. AiG and its predecessors published this magazine thru 2005. AiG started the new Answers magazine in June 2006.
Technical Journal
To see the rebuttals for this young earth creation science journal (also known as "TJ"), click the header. AiG and its predecessors published this journal thru 2005. AiG is replacing this with an online Journal of Biblical and Scientific Studies |
Daily FeatureAnswers in Genesis publishes a daily feature on their website. Rebuttals for this feature will be located here. |
The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved Old Earth Creationism on Trial
Creation Museum The Anti-Museum (off-site, Creation Museum (Review from Rationality Now) Museum Tour: Introduction Museum Tour: Main Hall Museum Tour: Starting Points Museum Tour: Biblical Authority and Relevance Rooms |
ARTICLES BY TOPIC A short list of popular articles on AiG by topic |
AiG is Taking Dinosaurs Where??? The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved
If All Elephants and Other Proboscideans are "One Kind", Why Can't All Primates be "One Kind"? |
Ken Ham's Misconceptions about Opals The Truth about Plastic Deformation
An Open Letter To Answers In Genesis: Regarding New Year's 2015 (Off-Site Link) 50th Year Celebration of 'The Genesis Flood' Book Can Ham Tell the Simple Truth? Creation Science in the Churches - Ken Ham's first article, from 1979
Is Historical Science Reliable? An Exploration of the AiG
“Origins” Science Label -
YEC's Deceptive Attack on the Big Bang
A Young Earth...It IS the Issue!
Other Ministries
Creation Ministries International
Institute for Creation Research
To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
Feel free to check out more of this website. Our goal is to provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism, and honor God by properly presenting His creation.