The Creation Science Commentary articles discuss various issues related to creation science. These articles are general in nature, and do not attempt to delve into scientific data analysis. For most rebuttals of young earth ideas, see Young Earth Ministries.
CSC #21: The Dark Side of Young Earth Creationism
CSC #20: OEM and Evolution: The Viewpoint of a Progressive Creationist
CSC #18: Personal Security, Concealed Carry, and the Creation Science Debate
CSC #17: The Guiding Principle of OEM (or, "Why OEM Supports Evolutionary Creationists")
CSC #16: Why I Oppose YEC
CSC #15: Am I Offending YEC's?
CSC #14: Is Smoking a Sin? (not creation science related)
CSC #12: 50th Year Celebration of "The Genesis Flood" (Oct 2011)
CSC #11: God Doesn't Care about Creation Science (Aug 2005)
CSC #10: Old Earth/Young Earth: How to Deal with Each Other (Apr 2005)
CSC #8: Old Earth/Young Earth Debates (Feb 2005)
CSC #7: Dr. Bob, the Creation Scientist! (Jul 2004)
CSC #6: Old Earth/Young Earth Relationships (Nov 2003)
CSC #5: Empirical Evidence? (Oct 2003)
CSC #3: Creation Scientist? (May 2003)
CSC #2: Church Fathers - Does it make any difference what our ancestors thought about creation? (Apr 2003)
CSC #1: Where are the Published Reports - Why don't young earth scientists publish scientific works in peer-reviewed journals? (Jan 2003)
To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
or check out the article
Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
Feel free to check out more of this website. Our goal is to
provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism,
and honor God by properly presenting His creation.