Creation Science

Creation Science Book Review

Is the Big Bang Biblical?

Question #2.  Could Evolution and Creation Tell the Same Story in Different Ways?


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

Review Published  April 2006


     Could they both be telling the same story?   You bet!  Or...maybe not.  It all depends on whether or not you accept evolution.  From a theological perspective, there is no reason you cannot accept both evolution and an inerrant, literal Genesis.   Morris claims that "the two stories are irreconcilably different."  This is not true, as Morris shows that he has no true understanding of theistic evolution.

      Morris points out the apparent contradictions between evolution and creation.  Rather than repeat an entire article here, I encourage everyone to check out Evolution vs. Creation: Order of Events.  It explains how to harmonize the two.  In short, Morris is assuming that the days of creation within theistic evolution have a start and end point.  They do not.  The days of creation overlap, and completely solve the contradictions that Morris brings up....while maintaining inerrancy.

     For old earth progressive creationists, who do not accept evolution, you may not agree with theistic evolution.  However, it remains a viable position that a Christian can take with regards to creation.  So, from your viewpoint, evolution and creation are not telling the same story, however, it doesn't matter in the long run...Jesus is what is important (see Billy Graham).