Creation Science

Creation Science Book Review

Is the Big Bang Biblical?

Question #11.  General Revelation vs. Special Revelation


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

Review Published April 2006


     Morris and the Institute for Creation Research agrees that both general revelation (nature) and special revelation (the Scriptures) are both truth, and must agree with each other.   Morris says the problem arises when too much emphasis is placed on general revelation.  I a point.  What Morris really means is that he agrees...until the general revelation disagrees with his young earth interpretation. 

     When dealing with general revelation, it is all dependent upon who is doing the interpreting.  We must all examine the evidence and see if it is true for ourselves, free of any "young earth" bias (or old earth bias).  Yes, there will be conflicts, but when 99.9 percent of the evidence agrees with an old earth, and only a handful of observations (taken out of context) agrees with a young earth, it is easy to see what the truth is. 

     Morris makes the claim that theologians are the ultimate authority on Scripture, and the scientist is the ultimate authority on nature.  He goes on to say that "scientists are not omniscient."  The implication is that they are not perfect.  No problems here.  However, the opposite is also true...theologians are not perfect either.  He is setting up young earth theologians to be accepted blindly, which is something that nobody should do.

    Morris says that scientists are "some of the most biased people in the world."  True, but no more so than young earth theologians, who are biased in their beliefs.  He goes on to say that "All scientists have inherited from Adam a cursed brain and a fallen mind."  I agree...but so have the theologians! 

     He shows his false understanding of science in the next paragraph.  He says that "science and the scientific method are limited to the present."  This is not true for astronomy.  When an astronomer looks at light coming from distant stars, he is looking at light from events that occurred many years some cases, billions of years.  Astronomers have only the past.  To a certain extent, geology also has only the past...we are studying the rocks which formed millions of years ago. 

     Morris claims that origins events are one-time, unique events and are inaccessible to the scientific method.  This is not true, as astronomers are still measuring the effects of the Big Bang.

     If taken properly, the "double revelation" theory does not result in the Bible being placed in an inferior position.  As an old earth creationist, I believe the Bible first, and then science.  Morris claims that every time the Hubble telescope is used, they discover more problems with the Big Bang.  This is not true, as the Big Bang is confirmed more and more with each discovery.  That does not mean there are not problems with the theory, which young earth creationists like to point out, but they are getting less and less.   Theoretically, what would happen if the Big Bang were abandoned?  We would simply move on to the next theory that replaced it, and it would not pose a problem for Christians who had previously believed in it.


     If you are not a Christian, and you have been holding out on making a decision for Christ because the Church always preached a message that was contrary to what you saw in the scientific world, then rest assured that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and you can believe in Christ and receive salvation, while still believing in an old earth.  Click here for more.


    Are you a Christian who believes in young earth creationism?  Now that we have shown the many difficulties of the young earth creation science model in this and many other articles, how does this impact your Christian life?  If you are a young earth creationism believer, click here.



Is the Big Bang Biblical Book Review Home


Section 1 - Biblical Issues


Q1 - Purpose

Q2 - Same Story

Q3 - "Very Good"

Q4 - God's Nature

Q5 - "Time" or "Fact"

Q6 - Why Did God Create

Q7 - YEC Necessary?

Q8 - Gap Theory

Q9 - Global Flood

Q10 - Church Stand

Q11 - General Revelation

Q12 - Professors

Q13 - Bible's Reliability

Q14 - Science Prove

Q15 - Unscientific

Q16 - Are Plants Alive?

Q17 - Days of Peleg

Q18 - Jonah

Q19 - Who were the Giants

Q20 - Noah's Ark

Q21 - Sharp Teeth

Q22 - Work

Q23 - Babe in the Manger


Section 2 - Biology (15 Questions)


Section 3 - Creation Questions (8 Questions)


Section 4 - Geology, The Flood, The Young Earth (16)


Section 5 - Physical Science (10 Questions)


Section 6 - Impact on Society (20 Questions)


Section 7 - Personal Application (11 Questions)



To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

 Feel free to check out more of this website.  Our goal is to provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism, and honor God by properly presenting His creation.