Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Answers in Genesis Daily Feature

Crocodile Hunter Killed by Stingray

4 September 2006


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


      On 4 September 2006, the world lost a great conservationist, the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin.  He will be greatly missed by millions of people, including my own family.  My thoughts and prayers go out to Terri, Bindi, and Bob, as they deal with this great tragedy.
     As a Christian, this is a stark reminder that death can come quickly, when you least expect it.  Answers in Genesis ran an article on the day of his death, and for the most part it is well done.1  Two thoughts come to mind in relation to this article.
     In the article, Ken Ham says,

Steve Irwin wasn’t a creationist. He mentioned evolution and the concept of millions of years many times in his television programs.

     In reality, it is unclear what Irwin’s position was on God.  Ham is assuming that since Irwin was an evolutionist, he was not a creationist.  However, one can be a theistic evolutionist, and thus, a creationist (for example, the great theologian C.S. Lewis, the author of the Narnia series, is a theistic evolutionist).  This is another excellent example of how young earth creationism stereotypes people.  In the young earth world, the creation message is presented as an “either/or” choice.  Either you are a young earth creationist, or you are lost.
     Sadly, this is not true.  You can be a conservative, evangelical Christian, and believe that God created the world over billions of years.  You can do this either with evolution (evolutionary creationism), or without evolution (progressive creationism). 
     The other point that comes to mind is the following quote;

Over the years, I’ve had people tell me they sent Steve Irwin some of our creation books—who knows if he ever read any of them.  At least these AiG supporters tried to witness to this very famous and brave man.

     While I applaud these Christians, in reality, they had no chance of reaching Irwin with the Gospel.  In the scientific community, young earth creationists are not taken seriously.  They have painted themselves into a corner, and are seen as either misusing science or ignoring it.  The old earth creationist has the best chance of reaching scientists with the message of the Gospel.  Old earth creationism has the message that harmonizes scientific facts and the Bible.
     As young earth creationism continues to diminish, it is up to old earth creationists to carry the torch for the Gospel.  Young earth ministries will continue to be effective among non-scientific peoples, and I pray for their success in leading people to the Gospel, but long term, their influence will fade among the educated peoples of the world.
     Again, our sympathies go out to the Irwin family.  We can only hope that he had committed his life to Christ at some point in his life.  Interestingly, there is a report circulating about Irwin becoming a Christian, and Creation Ministries International tried to confirm the report, but they could not find conclusive proof.  They do report that Steve's wife, Terri Irwin, is a Christian.  To read this article, click here.

Sources / For More Reading


1  "Crocodile Hunter Dies", published at


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Answers In Genesis 2006 Daily Features


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