Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Noah's Flood and Dinosaur Extinction


Review by Greg Neyman

First Published 2006


    In an article on the Creation, Dinosaurs and the Flood website, young earth creation science advocate Charlie Liebert posted an essay from a sixteen year old high school sophomore, which supposedly shows that there is a connection between Noah's Flood and the extinction of the dinosaurs.  The author of this essay is Stephanie Brendel.1

      The first paragraph details the account, from a young earth perspective, of a global flood of Noah.  One of the claims she makes is "After forty days and forty nights of downpour, the world was destroyed. Every living organism that was not on board the ark perished."  Unfortunately, this is not true.  According to the young earth model, the rock layers of the earth are at this time being deposited, with the majority of this deposition coming during the 150 days the waters prevailed upon the earth.  However, in the western United States, the Grand Canyon rocks are considered to be deposits from the Flood.  There are no dinosaurs, nor mammals, in these rocks.  Starting at the base of the Canyon, you have to proceed up the geologic column, some 8,000+ feet of sediment, before you come to the first dinosaur fossils.  Now, some young earth proponents would say they were merely buried there, after they floated around on the waters for a few months.  However, all of the rocks containing the dinosaurs also contain trace fossils.  In other words, dinosaur footprints, dinosaur poop, dinosaur nests, and bones of dinosaurs that were scavenged by other dinosaurs.  Thus, while these rocks were supposedly being deposited, dinosaurs were walking all over them, pooping, eating, reproducing, etc.  This occurs far after the start of the flood.  And this does not even consider the mammals, who show up even later in the rock record.  These facts alone disprove the young earth model, but we will examine the rest as well, so see if any further myths can be revealed.  I will not address all the points, as most are addressed elsewhere on this website.

     Another myth comes up in the first paragraph.  She says "Through looking at evidence from Genesis, as well as other scientific research, it becomes apparent that dinosaurs were present on the ark and the results of the Flood eventually destroyed them."  I did not know that we actually have scientific evidence that tells us what animals were on the ark!  Scientific evidence of animals on the ark must consist of the finding of the ark itself, with dinosaur poop, or a dead dinosaur in a cage, or something to that effect.  There is no scientific evidence tied directly to the ark.

     She appeals to the no death before Adam issue, which has been discussed on this website, and needs no discussion here.  One interesting point needs discussion.  With dinosaurs on the ark, and the young earth belief that they became carnivores after the flood, the dinosaurs on the ark would have a smorgasbord to dine on after they were released, with all the animals right there around the ark.  The same is true of the other carnivores...lions, tigers, etc.  With no other food around, the animals would die off quickly, including man.  None of us would be around today!  It sure is a good thing that the young earth global flood model is wrong!

     That is enough to give you a flavor of this article.  One final point...she brings up is the ill-fated canopy theory, which Answers in Genesis and the Institute for Creation Research have denounced (it too would leave all of humanity dead). 

     Many of her sources for this material is the "Youth Walk Devotional Bible."  In light of the bad science it is using, I would avoid this Bible like the plague. 


1  Noah's Flood and Dinosaur Extinction, published on the web at



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To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

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