By Greg Neyman
© 2010, Old Earth Ministries
First Published 4 May 2010
In a recent article in the Acts & Facts newsletter by the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), Steven Austin attempts to provide evidence for a young earth with claims regarding Mount St. Helens. The ICR and Austin are using the 30 year anniversary of this volcanic eruption to explain to ICR readers that supervolcanoes support the young earth theory.1
As is typical of young earth arguments, Austin makes several claims, yet he fails to provide any proof to back up his claims. For example, he states,
For example, Ice Age supervolcanoes, such as Long Valley of California and Yellowstone in Wyoming, exploded just after the Flood.
This matter of fact statement is given, with no supporting evidence
that these two supervolcanoes erupted just after the supposed young
earth flood, about 4,300 years ago.
In reality, the Long Valley Caldera formed from a massive
eruption 760,000 years ago, and there have been smaller eruptions
since, at 200,000 year intervals.2
The Yellowstone Caldera is actually a conglomeration of
calderas from three separate eruption events, dated at 2.1 million
years, 1.3 million years, and 640,000 years ago.
The Yellowstone volcano is caused by a
hotspot in the earth’s
crust (click link for an explanation).
In the case of the Yellowstone hotspot, a trail of calderas
from eruptions
over the past
15 million years.3
Although Austin addresses the Yellowstone Caldera, he fails
to address the older calderas
formed from the Yellowstone hotspot.
In northwestern Italy, a 16-mile-thick succession of rock was turned sideways by the late Flood catastrophic plate collision between Europe and Africa.
Brushy Basin ash are sandstone beds that represent the gigantic
mudflows that swept up and buried dinosaurs" (supposedly by the
Flood). Let's examine the Brushy Basin Member in one location,
at Emery County in Utah (image from
here). While there are possible units in the Brushy Basin
Member that could represent a mudflow made mostly of sand, (the
yellow lenses in the image at right), they are not the dominant
feature. And while one could say these are mudflows, the rest
of the formation, represented by green, consists of ordinary green
mudstone, not deposited in a mudflow scenario, but in a slow and
gradual process. As you can see, the Brushy Basin Member at
this location could possibly have consisted of intervals of normal
deposition, followed by occasional sandy mudflows. Thus it
could represent a series of minor flood events, but not a
massive, single flood such as a worldwide flood. It is also
interesting to note the scale. The thickest of these sandstone
units is only about 12 feet...not exactly what one would expect from
a massive mudflow that killed the dinosaurs. (NOTE: the yellow
lenses are interpreted by geologists as riverbed sandstones, from a
meandering river, and not a sandy mudflow.6
As for age, the Brushy Basin Member is about 147 million years.7)
1 Steven A. Austin, Supervolcanoes and the Mt Saint Helens Eruption, ICR Acts & Facts, 13 April 2010.
4 J.E. Quick, S. Sinigoi, G. Peressini, G.
Demarchi, J.L. Wooden, and A. Sbisà
Magmatic plumbing of a large Permian caldera exposed to a
depth of 25 km, Geology 2009 37: 603-606. (Abstract)
5 B.S. Carl, A.F. Glazner, J.M. Bartley, D.A. Dinter, D.S. Coleman, Independence Dikes and Mafic Rocks of the Eastern Sierra, 1998 Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Field Guidebook (Draft 20 Jan 1998)
6 Kenneth Gerard Galli,
"Sedimentology and petrology of the Brushy Basin member, Morrison
Formation (Late Jurassic), western Colorado" (January 1, 2003).
Electronic Doctoral Dissertations for UMass Amherst. Paper
AAI3078684. (Abstract
available online)
7 Kowallis, Bart J., and others, "The Age of the Morrison Formation, Brigham Young University, 4 Apr 97.
8 Carson, Robert J. and Pogue, Kevin R. (1996). Flood Basalts and Glacier Floods:Roadside Geology of Parts of Walla Walla, Franklin, and Columbia Counties, Washington. Washington State Department of Natural Resources (Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Information Circular 90).
9 Sanger, E.A., and others, "GRAVITY AND MAGNETIC MODELING OF THE NIKOLAI GREENSTONE IN THE AMPHITHEATER SYNCLINE, MT HAYES QUADRANGLE, ALASKA," presentation given at Geological Society of America Cordillarian Meeting, May 2002.
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