Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Answers in Genesis Daily Feature

We've Taken Them Back

18 March 2006


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


      On 18 March 2006 Answers in Genesis-US president Ken Ham explained the annual goal for Answers in Genesis for this year and next.1   The theme for 2006 is "We're taking them back!", and the theme for 2007 is "We've taken them back!"  What exactly is Ham talking about?

     If you read a little further down, he is referring to the geological, biological, astronomical, and anthropological history of the universe.  While I applaud Answers in Genesis for wanting people to take the Genesis account of creation as a literal interpretation, which I do (as an old earth creationist), making such claims that they are going to take these sciences back from the secular (evolutionist) scientists is nothing but empty rhetoric.

     This is reminiscent of Ham's claim in May of 2005, when the theme for the entire month of May was "We're Taking Dinosaurs Back!" (click here for more).  What is the status of this "taking dinosaurs back?"  Just turn on your TV, and you'll see many dinosaur shows, which report that they lived millions of years ago.  The affect Answers in Genesis had on the worldwide community was absolutely zero.  The only people convinced were those that already believed in a young earth.

     Ham is preaching to the choir.  The young earth choir will readily accept the words of Ham as gospel.  However, the rest of the world (including old earth creationists who accept these sciences) can see right through this empty rhetoric. 

     Next year, the theme of "We've taken them back!" uses the past tense, indicating that they succeeded in their goal.  Ham knows that this is merely brandishing swords, as Answers in Genesis has no influence  (or respect) within the scientific community.  Mark your calendar for 1 January 2008, and on that date look back at the past two years, and ask yourself if the scientific community still believes in long ages.  You know already what the answer will be.

     The trump card that Answers in Genesis is counting on convincing many is their new Creation Museum, which is scheduled to open in April 2007.  The problem is...for the most part, only young earth creationists will visit it (with at least one exception...I'll be visiting to provide a review).  Ham says "The Bible’s authority will be upheld, and visitors of all ages will hear the message that the Bible’s history is true … and its morality and the gospel message are true."  Ninety-nine percent of the visitors will already believe this.  Also, old earth creationists, especially progressive creationists, agree with this statement as well!  We just don't agree with the bad science behind the claims.

     I thank God that the believers who visit the Creation Museum will have their faith strengthened...I just wish the museum would be based on real science.  If the Creation Museum were based on long ages, more non-Christians would be convinced of the truth of creation.

     Don't forget to mark your calendar for 1 January 2008!


1  We're Taking Them Back, published at


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Answers In Genesis 2006 Daily Features


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