Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Answers in Genesis Daily Feature

AiG's Spin on a Triassic Mammal

7 March 2006


by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


      One of the issues facing Answers in Genesis in Europe is the Recolonization Theory.1   This theory states that none of the fossil record is a result of the Flood.  The fossils in the rocks are thought to be roughly in the order proposed by evolutionists.  The fossil record is seen  as a record of the recolonization of the earth after the flood.  As a result, they lengthen the age of the earth, but only by a few thousand years.

     Naturally, Answers in Genesis disputes this theory, and presents a good argument against it from a young earth viewpoint.  Old earth creationists would dispute it, for many of the same reasons that standard young earth creationism is wrong.  I do not feel that a rebuttal of this theory is necessary from an old earth perspective, as I see this as a squabble within the young earth family.

     With that said...Answers in Genesis sees these people as on the path to Biblical compromise.  However, looking at this theory, there is no implications of believing in this theory, and believing in an inerrant, infallible Word, and a literal interpretation of Genesis.  It is merely another take on the extra-biblical data, and it does not reinterpret Genesis, other than the time frame involved.  Therefore, I do not see any compromise, other than the "compromise" of the standard young earth interpretation. 

1  The 'Recolonisation Theory'-the latest compromise


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Answers In Genesis 2006 Daily Features


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