Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Answers in Genesis Daily Feature

Families are God's Idea

3 January 2006


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


      In the Answers in Genesis daily feature for 3 January 2006, a guest couple write about God's plan for the family.1  

    I agree with much the authors have to say concerning the family.  The idea for the family comes from God.  And we are instructed to train our own children.  I am familiar with many parents who say they want to train up their children in a neutral environment, so that they can make up their own minds when they come of age.  This is a dangerous proposal.  As the authors point out, while the parents are abdicating their responsibility to teach God and moral absolutes, the world is constantly bombarding them with its own brand of morality, and in our day, that means homosexuality, abortion on demand,  adultery, and many other issues that Christians should not be involved in.  For a Christian parent to accept this position of neutrality is incomprehensible.

     The authors say that children need to be grounded in the foundational doctrine of creation.  Prior to our generation, there was no "doctrine of creation" in the church.  For 1,900 years, we did without it.  Now, with the advent of modern young earth creation science, it is a must.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Since you can accept long ages, with or without evolution, and be a Christian, there is no need to indoctrinate children in young earth creation science.  They should be taught about creation, and that God is the creator, but the method is entirely a matter for one's own interpretation, and the Bible is not specific about it.

     The authors say that "God has raised up many qualified and gifted speakers to teach creation seminars and other programs for kids and adults."  Since God does not care about the "how" of creation, I believe this statement is not true.  Instead, many people who are talented spokesmen have taken up the cause of young earth creationism.

     Along with the authors of this article, I encourage you to teach your children...if you don't, someone else will!


1  Families are God's Idea, Beginning in Genesis


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Answers In Genesis 2006 Daily Features


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