Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine

Adam Names the Animals

Volume 27, Issue 3, June 2005


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

First Published 22 July 2006


     The June 2005 issue of Creation contains an article that explains how Adam could have named all the animals in a single day.1  This issue has always been raised by opponents of young earth creationism, as Adam could not have possibly named so many animals in such a short period of time.
     The author (Andrew Kulikovsky) uses a common young earth tactic, by slowly whittling away at the problem until it becomes a manageable number of species.  In this case, the number is brought down to 2,500.  The author gives Adam five seconds per species, meaning it would take Adam only 3 hours and 45 minutes to accomplish the task.
     You can see the silliness of this mathematical exercise.  If you believe in a young earth, you have to go to extreme measures in order to explain how Adam named all the animals.  How do the rest of us (old earth creationists) handle this problem?
     What problem?  Since the sixth day of creation was millions of years long, Adam could have however long he needed at the end of the sixth day to name the animals.  Did the naming of the animals take 10 years…no problem.  Adam, take your time!


1  Creation Magazine, Volume 27, Issue 3.  Published on the web at



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Creation Magazine 2005


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