Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine

Lions, Tigers, and Ligers

Volume 27, Issue 3, June 2005


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

First Published 20 July 2006


     The June 2005 issue of Creation Magazine contained an article by Don Batten, telling about the interbreeding of lions and tigers.1

     While it is true that lions and tigers can mate, and produce a cross called a liger, this in no way implies that the two species were only created six thousand years ago.  The implication by the author is that both lions and tigers descended from a common ancestor (the young earth theory of the "created kind."  However, the same can be said if the tiger and lion evolved over millions of years, but had common ancestry.  Their ability to mate and produce offspring could also be used to support evolutionary theory.

     For the reader's information, modern lions have been studied genetically, and they are found to have come from a common ancestor that existed about 55,000 years ago.  The oldest lion fossils date to about 3.5 million years. 

     Fossils of tigers have been found in Alaska, which date to about 100,000 years.   Earlier species of tigers existed up to two million years ago.

     For theistic evolutionists, there must have been some earlier cat species from which lions and tigers evolved (prior to 3.5 million years). 


1  Creation Magazine, Volume 27, Issue 3.  Published on the web at



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Creation Magazine 2005


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