Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine

Platypus Tooth

Volume 14, Issue 1, December 1991


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


     In an article in Creation Magazine in December 1991, Answers in Genesis argued that a new find of a platypus tooth in South America causes problems for the evolutionary model.1 

     The young earth creation science author starts by explaining that no fossils of platypuses have been found outside of Australia.  Naturally, the evolutionist uses this to argue that the platypus evolved in Australia, and did not migrate there.  However, scientists in South America have discovered a platypus tooth in Argentina.  The young earth author claims this sent shock waves through the scientific community.  The young earth author writes that evolutionists now have to figure out how the platypus got across the ocean to Australia, just like creationists have to answer the same question after the Flood.

     Fast forward 15 years after this discovery, and evolution has no problems with this find, despite the apparent difficulties brought up in this article.  Millions of years ago, Australia and South America were part of the supercontinent Gondwana.  They were also possibly connected after the breakup of this continent, via Antarctica.  The tooth's are different enough for the South American variant to be classified as a different species as well.

    Old earth geology has already solved how the platypus was on both continents, even prior to the discovery of this tooth.  However, the problem remains for young earth did the kangaroo, koala bear, and the platypus get to Australia after the flood?


For More Reading

Platypus (Wikipedia)

Platypus (Talk Origins)


1  Creation Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 1.  Published on the Answers in Genesis website at



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Creation Magazine 1991


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