Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine (Ex Nihilo)

Sir MacFarlane Burnet

Ex Nihilo, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 1979


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


     This article discusses comments made by an evolutionary biologist.  The biologist, Sir MacFarlane Burnet, makes a comment in a publication which the young earth magazine interprets as indicating that evolutionists are unwilling to entertain any theory that contradicts evolution.  I can certainly see where they could make this claim, based on the first sentence of the quote, but the rest of the quote clarifies the remarks.  Burnet is not saying that evolution is , but that is not what Burnet is saying.  The quote says

‘No critical biologist doubts the broad validity of modern evolutionary theory, but it can never be susceptible to experimental disproof. When observations in some particular field seem to cast some doubt on one aspect of evolution or another, no one dreams of disputing the whole notion of evolution. Any hypothesis to account for the anomaly must be within the standard evolutionary framework.’

     As a scientist, Burnet recognizes that evolution is a theory, as evidenced by the first sentence.  An example of what he is saying can be seen in the following situation.  The lack of a transitional fossil for one species of dinosaur evolving into another is what Burnet is referring to when he says "When observations in some particular field seem to cast some doubt on one aspect of evolution or another."  Taken by itself, it would seem to disprove evolution.  However, as Barnet continues " one dreams of disputing the whole notion of evolution" (based on one observation).  When taken as a whole, evolution is strong.  That does not mean that all the parts of evolution are perfect.  If it were, it would be fact, and not a theory.

     As a scientist, he fully understands what a "theory" is.  There is no problems here for evolution, as it is merely an attempt to give evolutionists a black eye.


This article is on the web at



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Creation Magazine 1979


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