Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine (Ex Nihilo)

Hoyle and Comets

Ex Nihilo, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 1979


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


     This article discusses a theory, from the astronomer Fred Hoyle, which proposes that life may have originated from non-life in the interior of comets.  This theory is called "out there" by the young earth creation science writers, and they even make the claim that the "idea will not take root even among the most dedicated materialists."  Later on, they say "this is a fantastic hypothesis that must surely be put on the shelf next to spontaneous generation of mice from filthy rags, hopeful monster proposals and Von Danikenism."

     Now, fast forward almost 30 years...and this fantastic hypothesis has indeed taken root, and is very popular, contrary to the claims of the young earth creation science writers of this article.  Granted, it's not in the same form as when Hoyle hypothesized it, but the idea that life came to earth in a comet is alive and well.

     You may be familiar with the Stardust probe, which returned to earth recently with dust from a comet's tail.  This dust is currently being analyzed, and one of the things they expect to find is organic molecules.  In fact, the Stardust probe carried an impact mass spectrometer, and way back in 2000, several of the impacts revealed that the dust particles were organic molecules.1 

     Personally, I do not believe in the life from comets theory.  However, I don't limit the possibilities of what may have happened.  Who knows how God decided to do it...only He does.


This article is on the web at





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Creation Magazine 1979


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