Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine (Ex Nihilo)


Ex Nihilo, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 1979


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


     This article discusses a claim by cytogeneticist Jerome LeJeune, where he says neodarwinian evolution is a thing of the past, as it could not have happened.

     Several things strike me about this article.  LeJeune is giving this statement where he is the speaker, talking with Catholic doctors and theologians.  A search of the internet yielded more results on Christian websites.  LeJeune is Catholic, and he starts from the presupposition that evolution is wrong.  One must seriously consider if he is an unbiased person.  Interestingly, the young earth creation science author, Carl Wieland, says of him...

LeJeune is not a creationist—he appears to hover somewhere between theistic evolution and ‘progressive creation’

     Notice that because LeJeune is not a "young earth" creationist, then he is not a creationist at all.  However, theistic evolutionists and progressive creationists are creationists.  Thus, Wieland's bias is obvious.

     Second, Wieland goes on to examine the chromosome count of humans and chimpanzees.  Chimpanzees have an extra pair compared to humans.  He mentions that evolutionists believe that chromosomes joined to become one in humans.  This process is known as chromosome fusion.  Despite the apparent problem Wieland alludes to (head to head joining), this is still thought to be how it happened, and LeJeune's claims largely go unheeded.  More on this can be seen in this news release from 2005. 

     The study of chromosome fusion has come a long way since LeJeune first studied it.     


This article is on the web at



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Creation Magazine 1978


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