Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Institute for Creation Research News Report

God's Beautiful Algae


By Greg Neyman

© 2009, Old Earth Ministries

First Published 2 Apr 09


     Young earth author Brian Thomas, in a news article on the Institute for Creation Research website, uses a 'god of the gaps' type argument about algae.1  He relates that algae thrives in the chemical-laden hot springs of Yellowstone National Park.  He claims that "God the Creator deserves the credit for equipping His plants and other creatures with the necessary cellular machinery to survive in extreme environments."

     I could not agree more with Thomas.  Algae is one of my favorite plants, because without it, we would not be here.  We owe our entire atmosphere to algae.

     The first algae fossils are called stromatolites.  They appear in the fossil record more than 3 million years ago, and are the only life form for over 2 billion years.   Why was algae the only lifeform for so long?  God created algae for a specific purpose.  This photosynthetic plant gives off oxygen.  The early atmosphere had only trace amounts of oxygen, not enough to support life forms as we know them today.  Algae was God's tool to "terraform" earth's atmosphere, and turn it into a breathable atmosphere for the organisms that He would later create.  Algae was also created to be a tough little plant, as Thomas highlights.  It could survive the harsh conditions of the early earth.

     The abundance of algae peaked about 1.25 million years ago, and at the end of the Pre-Cambrian (543 million years ago), algae had done its major work, and it was in sharp decline.  This was because the new organisms that could now survive fed off the algae.

     You may be asking yourself, "Why didn't God just instantly create an atmosphere full of oxygen?"  Good question.  I believe He could have, but He choose not to.  This is all related to the principle of 'plausible deniability.'  To learn more, click the link. 

     With every breath you take, you can thank God's little plant known as algae.  Without it, life as we know it today would not be possible.




1  Deadly Waters No Problem for Well-Equipped Algae, by Brain Thomas, Institute for Creation Research, 25 March 2009.


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 Did you know that you can be a Christian, and believe that the earth is billions of years old?  You can even believe in evolution and be a Christian.  There is no conflict between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper understanding how to merge science and the Bible.  To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

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