Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Institute for Creation Research

Dr. John's Q&A #29, 1 May 1991

How Can a Geology Professor Believe That the Earth is Young?


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


    This question was published in Dr. John's Q&A by John Morris in May 1991.  A very good question!  Morris claims to be in this category, as he probably teaches at the Institute for Creation Research.  He starts by saying he accepts that the Bible teaches a young earth.  However, although the Bible can be interpreted as teaching a young earth, the Bible is not specifically young earth.  One can also believe in an old earth and the Bible.

    Next, he says that after studying the evidence, he is convinced that none of the scientific evidence demands an old earth.  However, one must take his words with a grain of salt.  He was taught by his father, Henry Morris, the founder of the modern young earth creation science movement.  When he went to college, he could not allow himself to entertain any evidence to the contrary.  How does a young earth person avoid such evidence?  Read Morton's Demon to see how...written by a former young earth creationist with ties to Morris' organization.

     Morris actually claims that the geologic evidence is "somewhat generic with respect to age."  Given the overwhelming evidence for an old earth, to make such an unfounded claim would cause me to question his mental capacities.  Don't get me wrong, I believe Morris is very smart, but intelligence and common sense are two different values.

     Of the evidence, he says there are problems yet to be solved.  The evidence for an old earth is like a 50-foot tall haystack, and the evidence for a young earth is like one handful of straw.  Thus, he must solve the issues of all the straws in the 50-foot haystack.  That issues still need to be resolved is an understatement.

     Next, he brings up the point that an old earth is essential for the evolutionist.  However, we are talking about two different sciences, biology and geology.  You can believe in an old earth, with or without evolution, so this discussion is pointless.

    It gets worse from here, as Morris shows his hatred for old earth ideas, and therefore old earth Christians.  He says that "the old-earth concept is a requisite of evolutionism, which is an unmitigated evil."  In making this argument, he is saying that an old earth is evil, and responsible for all of our social ills, such as homosexuality, abortion, humanism, etc.  These are strong words, and will emotionally charge the young earth creationist, but they have no basis in fact.  The world had ills long before evolution came along.  Even the Jews of the Old Testament dealt with homosexuality, many thousands of years prior to the formation of the theory of evolution!

     Morris ends by saying "There can be no justification for a Christian adopting the old earth concept."  Millions of us old earth Christians would disagree with this, and our Christian lives give excellent testimony against such hate speech.

     Morris used the question about young earth professors as a platform to rail against old earth belief...he really did not address the issue, choosing instead to blast old earth professors.

     Yes, you can be a professor, and a young earth believer.  However, one must remember that a college degree is not a sign of intelligence, it is a sign of hard work to obtain the degree.  For Morris to obtain his degrees, through secular universities, speaks volumes of the level of indoctrination that his father, Henry Morris, put him through.  He was so brainwashed that he could easily resist the truth, using Morton's Demon.


Dr. John's Q&A #29, published on the web at



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