Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Institute for Creation Research

Dr. John's Q&A #18, 1 June 1990

Is There a Conspiracy Against Creationism?


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


    This question was published in Dr. John's Q&A by John Morris in June 1990.  Overall, this answer by Morris is acceptable, although it is a bit off-target.  Morris relates the fictional novel by Frank Peretti, called This Present Darkness to the battles against Christianity.  It paints a negative picture of what might happen in the end times.  While I agree with the fact that the end times will be anti-Christian, we should take this novel for what it is...a work of fiction for our enjoyment.  However, it is not beyond Morris to use a work of fiction to support his brand of creationism...after all, the two are in the same literary genre.

     I do agree, however, in the current anti-Christian attitude in our society is a concern.  Morris relates the story of ICR's troubles with the California State Department of Education.  While I do not doubt that ICR had difficulties, I'm left wondering what these difficulties were.  I agree that ICR should be able to teach young earth creationist science (if you can call it science) in their graduate school.  Accreditation is another issue altogether, which is something that ICR should not have, but that is another issue. 

     Morris goes on to claim that many have aligned themselves to destroy ICR.  Morris rails against these people, but fails to mention what they are doing that would cause the destruction of ICR.  He goes on to list several ways Christian groups are under attack, such as our tax status and hiring practices.  He lists several other issues which are indirect attacks.  In the end, he goes back to the fictitious novel.  Morris is seeking an emotional tie between this stirring novel and ICR.

     Interestingly, he spends the entire article talking about attacks upon Christianity, but does not  discuss any attacks upon creationism, which was the question he posed. 


Dr. John's Q&A #18, published on the web at



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