Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Institute for Creation Research

Dr. John's Q&A #100, April 1997

If All Animals were Created as Plant Eaters, Why do Some Have Sharp Teeth?


By Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


     This question was published in Dr. John's Q&A by John Morris in April 1997.  Morris actually admits that this appears to be a problem, but he offers several solutions to the problem. 

     First, God knew about the Fall, so these animals were created with these features in anticipation.  However, if they were created perfectly for their designed function, and they were designed to live as plant eaters, this hypothesis fails, for it implies that God did not create them "perfect."

     Second, they "adopted" (not "evolved") these features after the fall, through many generations of variation, adaptation, and selection (sounds like evolution!).  If this is the case, we should be able to see other species today developing these features as they have need, but it has not been observed.

     The third scenario is a that "the Devil did it."  Satan may have performed "breeding experiments, or genetic engineering on both mankind and the animals."  Enough said.  ☺

     Morris finally gives the explanation that he prefers.  He attributes it to a DNA alteration which caused plants to grow thorns, the snake to slither on its belly, and Eve to experience heightened pain with childbirth.  Although this sounds nice, there is no proof. 

     God cursed Adam, (not the ground he worked), Eve, and Satan (not the entire animal kingdom).  Thorns probably existed prior to Adam's sin, outside the Garden of Eden (remember, the Garden was separate, distinct from the rest of the world).  The creation does groan under man's pressure, but that is man influencing the creation, not God.  (Genesis 3:17 says "Cursed is the ground because of you;")

     Morris is making this argument for teeth developing after the fall, not based on the evidence, but based on his beliefs that there was no death prior to Adam's sin.  It is a requirement that comes out of his belief system, and not from any actual evidence.  Fortunately, old earth creationists do not struggle with this question of sharp teeth before the Fall.


Dr. John's Q&A #100, published on the web at



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