Creation Science

Young Earth Creation Science Argument Index


G43:  Evaporites Contain No Organic Matter


Edited by Greg Neyman



Henry Morris claims that evaporite deposits are too pure.  If they are from dried seas, they should contain organic matter

Source:  Morris, Henry M., 1974. Scientific Creationism, p. 106.




  1. Evaporite deposits are from basins with an extremely high saline content.  This means it is a harsh environment where very few organisms can live (for example, there are no fish in the Great Salt Lake in Utah...only the Brine Shrimp can live there).  One would not expect a great amount of organics in this condition

  2. There are evaporites with impurities, such as gypsum, marl, chalk, dolomite and interlayered shale deposits containing brachiopods, conodonts, and plant remains.


To learn more on this topic, read the rebuttal.

Evaporites (Wikipedia)



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Young Earth Creation Science Argument Index


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