Creation Science

Young Earth Creation Science Argument Index


G111: Radiometric Dating Falsely Assumes Rocks are Closed Systems


Edited by Greg Neyman



Edited by Greg Neyman



Henry Morris claims that radiometric dating falsely assumes that the rocks are from a closed system.  In other words, no parent or daughter isotopes were added or removed via other processes since the sample formed.

Source:   Morris, Henry M., 1974. Scientific Creationism, p. 139.




  1. There is no such thing as a closed system.  However, many rocks closely approximate closed systems

  2. Geologists know this, therefore they compensate for it.  Multiple samples are taken, which usually produce consistent results, within 1 percent of each other.  It is unlikely that all samples taken would be affected by the exact same amount of contamination

  3. Isochron methods can detect contamination and to some extent correct for it

  4. Ur-Pb dating can b e tested for validity with a concordia diagram.  Samples approximating closed systems can be identified

  5. Geochronologists are aware of the problems of contamination, and they take pains to minimize it


To learn more on this topic, read the rebuttal.

Radiometric Dating (Wikipedia)



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Young Earth Creation Science Argument Index


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