There are two main methods of navigating around our website. The first method is via the topical arrangement of articles, which can be accessed in the menu the top of each page, or via our main Articles page. This page also contains links to our original articles in support of an old earth.
The other method is the main portion of this website, which is our young earth argument rebuttals. These can be accessed from our Young Earth Ministry page. Just click on the ministry to see rebuttals to their claims. Also on this page is a listing of claims by specific young earth creationists, with links to their rebuttals.
Another method of navigation is the column on your right. It will contain links to other items of interest, or other articles in the series that you are viewing. Finally, if you can't find what you are looking for, try searching for it using the search feature, which is available from the bottom of each page.
This site contains many links to external sites operated by other
old earth ministries, bloggers, etc. These external links will open
a new window upon clicking, and they are identified with this symbol
along with the website it comes from. The link below is an example.
The Toba Super Eruption: The Global Catastrophe that
Creationists Ignore
The Natural Historian