Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

The Early Creation

21 August 2006

     The 21 August 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments considers what the world would have looked like just five years after it was created (assuming it is young).

     The young earth author describes that geologists claim it takes hundreds of thousands of years for rock to erode and form a beach.  He claims that if this were true, we would not expect to see beaches on a five year old earth.

     To support his claim, he refers to a brand new island off the coast of Iceland.  The island, called Surtsey, formed in the 1960's.  Several years after it formed, it was discovered to have beaches which were freshly eroded from the bedrock.  The author goes on to say that geologists would guess that the island was thousands of years old, or even hundreds of thousands of years old.

     Fortunately, geologists know better.  It is not common practice for a geologist to date a geologic feature based on its looks.  Looks are subjective...the geologist seeks hard scientific data instead.  It is common practice for young earth creationists to accuse geology of such claims.  The island of Surtsey has been tossed around in young earth creationist literature many times.   

     Unfortunately, such baseless claims are all the young earth creation scientist has to argue against the old age of the earth.  It cannot be done on the basis of science, so they resort to wild claims.  I know of no geologist who dates geologic features based on their "looks."

     Want to learn more about creation science?  Are the claims of young earth creation science ministries truthful?  Visit the young earth creation science ministry rebuttal home page for more truth in creation science.




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 To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

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