Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

Discovery Confirms Creation Claims

12 May 2006

     The 12 May 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments claims that a recent discovery of, apparently of a fossil of modern man, confirmed the claims of young earth creation science.

     The Creation Moments author says that a valid test of a scientific theory is if it can predict new findings (like the Big Bang has done).  He goes on to say that humans have been in their "modern form" ever since they were first created.  As a progressive creationist, I certainly believe this is a possibility.  The author goes on to say that the young earth creation science model predicts that we will find more human fossils in older rocks.

     He contrasts this with the evolutionist theory that modern man has been here for only 35,000 years.  Then he says "Evolutionists received a surprise when that age recently had to be almost tripled.  A new discovery pushed the date for "modern" humans back 92,000 years."

     The first thing I always do with young earth claims such as this is check the scientific facts to see if they are true.  When I look up how long modern human (homo sapiens sapiens) has been here, modern man dates from around 250,000 years ago.1  However, the oldest known "anatomically correct" fossil specimen is homo sapiens idaltu, which dates to about 160,000 years ago, and was found in 1997. 

     One is left to wonder where the Creation Moments author is getting his information.  As of nine years ago, modern humans dated back to 160,000 years ago as a minimum, yet this author is proclaiming that a recent discovery dates back to 92,000 years ago.  Clearly, the author is not keeping up with the latest scientific discoveries!

     Unfortunately, the Creation Moments author does not give any sources.  I have noticed in other Creation Moments claims that sometimes the references given for "recent" scientific discoveries is over 20 years old.  I suspect that to be the case for this claim.  This claim does nothing to damage the theory of evolution.

     Christians need to understand that they can accept evolution, if they choose to, and believe in an inerrant, infallible Word of God.  One great example of a Christian who believed in evolution is C. S. Lewis, the author of the Narnia series.

1  Human Evolution (Wikipedia)


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