Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

A Whale of a Problem

10 May 2006

     The 10 May 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments claims that the evolution of whales makes no sense.

     The Creation Moments author claims that since land mammals evolved from sea creatures, it makes no sense for land mammals to return to the sea and become cetaceans.  He claims that "whales provide clear evidence that, contrary to evolution's claims, not even all mammals are related to each other." 

     When you look at the evolutionist evidence for whale evolution, it is fully described and credible.  There is a sequence of animals showing progressive evolution, from a land animal to a whale.  So, why would a land mammal evolve into an ocean mammal?  According to creationists, this is backwards progression.  However, all there needs to be is a reason for the change.  Food supply immediately comes to mind, and provides an ample reason.  There may be others as well.

     If you are a Christian, and you choose to believe in evolution, this argument does not provide any credible evidence against evolution.

For More Reading

Talkorigins - Whale Evolution

Wikipedia - Evolution of Cetaceans


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