Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

Mysteries of the Piranha

1 May 2006

     The 1 May 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments claims that the piranha is an example of God's creativity, and does not fit the standard evolutionary model.

     The Creation Moments author goes back to research that is over 20 years old, and claims that the different species of piranha, all living in the same portion of river, feed on the same food.  The author says that "According to evolutionary theory new species evolve when there is some way of making a living in nature that no one else is using. So, when you have many similar species, each one should have its own specialization."  The young earth author is assuming that specialization is solely dependent upon food.

     Food is not the only environmental factor that can drive evolutionary changes.  Temperature, water clarity, ph balance, mating, other predator species, etc, could all drive a change in specialization.  And these are but a few examples.  The Creation Moments author is showing his limited understanding of evolution, as opposed to his purpose to limit evolution's ability to specialize.

     In the last section, the author talks about how the piranha's take turns eating.  He says "Could this selfless behavior be left over from when the creation was perfect?"  The young earth creation model says that the entire creation was cursed in Genesis 3.  Yet the author is implying that this perfection is left over from the original creation.  This is like saying that if God cursed the entire creation, He missed the piranha. 

     I agree with the author that the piranha is a wonderful example of God's creativity.  However, there is no problem for the theistic evolutionist to also believe this as well. 


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