Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

Do Christians Need Evolution?

13 April 2006

     The 13 April 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments asks the question "Do Christians need evolution?"

     The Creation Moments author says that many in the creationist movement used to be evolutionists.  These people point out that there are serious objections to evolution.  It is true that evolution is not a bullet-proof theory.  However, even with its problems, young earth creation science has even stronger serious objections. 

     The point is that although Christians do not need evolution, they can believe in theistic evolution if they choose.  The Creation Moments author says "There is no single fact or group of facts that demand that the educated Christian abandon the Bible's account of creation and history."  I agree, especially since you can accept an inerrant, literal Bible, and evolution.  Many even feel that the Bible teaches evolution (see Evolution:  The Bible Taught it First).    

     While I do not personally believe in evolution, I do believe that evolution is a valid position one can hold, and be a Christian.  I echo the words of Billy is not the how of creation that is important.


     Want to learn more about creation science?  Are the claims of young earth creation science ministries truthful?  Visit the young earth creation science ministry rebuttal home page for more truth in creation science.




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