Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

Cooked Dinosaur?

3 April 2006

     The 3 April 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments discusses the size of our star.

     The author gives evidence that our sun is shrinking.  He claims that the British Royal Observatory has kept records on the size of the sun since 1750, and they estimate the sun is shrinking at a rate of one-tenth of one percent per century.  Using this figure, the sun would have touched the surface of the earth 20 million years ago, cooking any residents (the descendants of the dinosaurs, they claim.  The author claims that "This obviously poses a huge problem for evolutionists."  Does it? 

     The author says they answered this claim by saying the sun alternately shrinks and expands.  He mentions that there is evidence of this, but that overall shrinkage is occurring.  Other evolutionists have said the early studies were wrong, and need to be reexamined.  The Creation Moments author says "The matter is still under study."  If it is still under study, why make a claim based on disputed scientific evidence? 

     In defense of this, it has been observed that stars other than our sun expand and contract.  The studies on the sun's size have also shown to be questionable, and in the last 25 years, no significant shrinkage has occurred.  For more, see the For More Reading section below, especially the Solar FAQ page. 

     In the end, I see no reason to suspect that the young earth argument is valid.  The only "problem" I see for old earth advocates is having to waste time answering this claim.    

For More Reading

The Shrinking Sun Argument (Talk Origins)

The Solar FAQ (Talk Origins)

Another Shrinking Sun Claim (Talk Origins)


     Want to learn more about creation science?  Are the claims of young earth creation science ministries truthful?  Visit the young earth creation science ministry rebuttal home page for more truth in creation science.




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