Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

A World of Dust

22 March 2006

     The 22 March 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments discusses dust.

     The author tells how dust is everywhere, and gives the components that make up dust, from soil, to human skin, clothing, salt, and from outer space. The author concludes that "Dust reminds us that the world is smaller than we think and that it won't last forever."

     Exactly how does dust remind us of this?   When I think of dust, I'm not usually comparing it to the size of the world, or the steadfastness of our world.  I can see myself saying, "There's some dust...the world must be falling apart!"  While true to a point (things in the world do fall apart, but the world is also consolidating this dust (soil) and forming new rocks at the same time),  I usually have larger things on my mind than considering this comparison.  Creation Moments has taken an everyday object, and turned it into a comparison that most normal people would never consider.  I wonder what object will be the subject of their next comparison...but I dare not write my guesses here.

     While interesting, this is probably the most meaningless devotion that I've read from Creation Moments in the last year.  I typically enjoy their devotions, and as a Christian, I can praise God for the items they bring up, even though I provide rebuttals for them from an old earth creationist perspective.  I guess after you have produced thousands of devotions with God of the Gaps type arguments, it must now be incredibly hard to come up with new and fresh ideas.  (This particular devotion avoids the God of the Gaps argument, which is unusual for this ministry.)


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 To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

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