Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

The Shrinking Universe

14 March 2006

     The 14 March 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments discusses the "shrinking universe."

     Astronomers have long used redshift to explain that our universe is expanding.   (To learn more about Redshift, click here).

     The authors state that opinion about redshift is not unanimous in the scientific world.  This should not be a surprise, as rarely are theories so solid that there is 100 percent support for it.  The authors proudly suggest the universe may be shrinking, based on the statement by one astronomer, V. S. Troitkii (they mis-spell his is Troitskii) (Biography). 

     I must first urge caution.  A search on the internet for Troitskii will bring up many young earth creation science webpages, that must be taken with a grain of salt.  Second, almost no astronomers accept Troitskii's theory about redshift.  On one page I found, it stated that if he was correct, the Big Bang theory would collapse.  However, over the last twenty years, the Big Bang has been confirmed over and over again, with no dissenting evidence.  The Big Bang is one of the most firm theories out there...proof of it's occurrence is almost as strong as the proof for the existence of the computer you are reading this on.  For proofs of the Big Bang, click here.

    Before accepting the words of some unknown author behind the Creation Moments devotionals, check out the real facts behind the claims.

     Want to learn more about creation science?  Are the claims of young earth creation science ministries truthful?  Visit the young earth creation science ministry rebuttal home page for more truth in creation science.


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