Creation Science Watch LogoOld Earth Ministries

Creation Science Watch

A Summary of YEC/OEC Website Activity

8 May 2015


Creation Science in the Media

  This section lists articles that appear in newspapers, magazines, online news sites, and in television.


Give Rep. Butler an "I Love God" badge and drop anti-evolution bill - (Alabama Media Group)


Alabama lawmaker: My bill protects kids from learning 'they came from a monkey' - Rawstory. Also see the article below in the Old Earth section.


Primate Witness: The Monkey Trials Go On - from Morning Star (UK)



Answers in Genesis


Defining "Love" - The next in the AiG series on Hebrew words.  Not creation science related (from 8 May)


Blind Crustaceans Missing a Bit of Brain Said to Show Evolution in Action - AiG puts the YEC spin on a claim of evolution in action (from 7 May)


Noah's Study - In this Ark Encounter blog, a sneak peak is given of a display on the ark, which shows Noah has his own 'study room'.  It comes complete with the modern day idea that offices should have portraits of family members, wall hangings of pictures, a bookcase, and even a pet bird.  Since the Bible does not tell us anything of the interior of the Ark, this is all make believe on the part of AiG.


Creation Ministries International


More secular confusion about the moon's former magnetic field - From 8 May. Naturally, there is going to be uncertainty about the field, since it's not here for us to study today. CMI confuses this uncertainty for evidence against an old moon.  This is a common YEC tactic. When scientists don't fully understand something, YECs claim that they are confused, thus the simplist answer is to reject the uncertain science, and believe in a young earth. However, this is like finding a single needle in a haystack, and then claiming that it's really a stack of needles...they ignore the massive amounts of evidence for an old earth in favor of a single, uncertain piece of science.


What does the Bible really say about homosexuality? - From 7 May. Not related to creation science.


Institute for Creation Research


A Cosmic 'Supervoid' vs. the Big Bang - An anti-Big Bang article.  Reports on the recent news article about astronomers finding a large void in space, and attempts to use Big Bang arguments (which they don't believe in) to disprove the Big Bang. They conclude that Christians should reject the Big Bang since its unbiblical...despite the fact that it is very much Biblical.


Creation Today & Other Minor YEC Ministries


No new articles today.


Old Earth Articles (the articles listed below may be pro-evolution, anti-evolution, gap theory, etc. Old Earth Ministries (OEM) strives to serve all forms of old earth belief)


My Response to a Young-Earth Critique of Navigating Genesis - By Dr. Hugh Ross.  From the progressive creationist ministry Reasons to Believe.


Adam, Eve, and human population genetics, part 11: addressing critics--Poythress, chimpanzees, and DNA identity (continued) - From the theistic evolution website BioLogos.


Update: Alabama "Strengths and Weeknesses" Bill: The Mask Comes Off - From the blog Science and Religion: A View from an Evolutionary Creationist


Old Earth Ministries Featured Article of the Day


The Big Bang - Evolving for the Better!


Science News of Interest to Creationists (Summaries from and other sources)


Missing link in evolution of complex cells discovered


Flower find provides real-time insight into evolution


Lopsided star explosion holds the key to other supernova mysteries


Mercury's magnetic field is almost four billion years old


Hubble finds giant halo around the Andromeda galaxy


Proto super-star cluster discovered: A cosmic 'dinosaur egg' about to hatch


What drives the evolution of bird nest structures?







Creation Science Watch Index


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Did you know that you can be a Christian, and believe that the earth is billions of years old?  You can even believe in evolution and be a Christian.  There is no conflict between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper understanding how to merge science and the Bible.  To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

 Feel free to check out more of this website.  Our goal is to provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism, and honor God by properly presenting His creation.