Creation Science

Creation Science Watch

A Summary of YEC/OEC Website Activity

20 January 2014


Answers in Genesis


Reaching People with the Truth of God's Word - This article by Ken Ham talks about Biblical Authority, and developments in the United States.  He talks about an interview he conducted with Fox News, the Duck Dynasty flap, and Hobby Lobby and Obamacare.  He concludes by saying he is committed to reach out with the truth of God's Word.  Although not mentioning the age of the earth, he clearly means reaching out with YEC, which he interprets to be the truth of God's Word.  However, all us OEC's know that you can submit to Biblical Authority, be committed to the truth of God's Word, and believe in an old earth.  In fact, considering how science agrees with an old earth, Ham and his YEC followers will continue to decline in their influence in the church.  Ham states, "the state of the nation reflects the state of the church." Thanks to YEC, the church is in decline, and we need to abandon YEC and rescue it. If he wants to know whats wrong with the church, he needs to look in the mirror.


Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - A short article reprint from Answers Magazine, speaking mostly about abortion.  Has nothing to do with the age of the earth.  We agree...we are fearfully and wonderfully made.


Building Nutcracker Man from the Ground Up - This article reports on Nutcracker Man, or Paranthropus boisei.  As the author notes in the introduction, there is some disagreement among scientists concerning the supposed bones attributed to this species of early hominid.  The article reports on the discovery of possible new bones of the same species.  The author goes on to mention many facts about these new bones and the previous ones. To make a long story short, after establishing herself as an expert by stating many facts and claims about Nutcracker Man, she then dismisses him completely, in accordance with basic YEC protocols.  She presents no direct evidence to doubt the old age of the earth, or evolution.  We may not have evolved from Nutcracker Man, but even if we didn't, it doesn't offer proof against evolution.


Creation Ministries International


Dazzling DNA - This article reports on the publication of some scientific papers, that reveals that most of our DNA is functional (as opposed to 'junk DNA').  The author claims that evolution needs junk DNA, so this is a huge problem for evolution.  That remains to be seen.  It is true that evolution considers junk DNA as the leftovers of genetic mutation, therefore their should be a lot of it.  While this does appear to be a problem, let's give evolutionists a chance to work through the data, and propose solutions, if needed.  This is a beautiful example of science in action.  As new discoveries are made, theories must be adjusted.  This does not invalidate the theory of merely needs adjusted. (We also need to wait for more peer-review of this new information.)


Breeding Unicorns - This is an answer to a request for information about limits to reproduction and creating hybrid animals.  The author does a good job of answering the request.  The article is neutral concerning the age of the earth.


Why So Many Planets? -  This article is an answer to a feedback question about planets.  Other than taking a swipe at evolution, the author does a good job of answering the feedback.  No evidence is presented that is contrary to the old age of the universe.


Institute for Creation Research


Gecko-Footed Robot Fit for Outer Space - ICR reports on a robot deigned to mimic a gecko's ability to walk and climb.  The author then proceeds to give information about a real gecko, and concludes "If intelligent human engineers deserve credit for this amazing gizmo, how much more credit belongs to the One who engineered the superior biological machine they are so diligently trying to copy?" I agree.  However, the article is nothing more than a "God of the Gaps" article, and has no bearing on the age of the earth.


Creation Today


Nothing new posted today


Creation Moments


How a Pig Became a Man - This short article discusses Nebraska Man, which was a claim based on a single tooth in 1922.  True, this is an example of a scientific mistake.  As more of the skeleton was uncovered, it was found to be the tooth of a pig, and a retraction of the original claim was made.  Although a bad mistake, it is not an example that proves the rest of evolution false.


Old Earth Articles (the articles listed below may be pro-evolution, anti-evolution, gap theory, etc. Old Earth Ministries (OEM) strives to serve all forms of old earth belief)


When Flightless Birds Ruled the Land: The "Terror" Birds of the New World - from The Natural Historian.  This is a re-publication of a post from 16 March 2013. This article examines birds commonly known as terror birds, (the Phorusrhacidae, and examines how they would fit with YEC.


Evolution, Chance, and God - from Biologos - "The affirmation of genuine chance and randomness in the universe does not rob the universe of meaning and purpose."






Creation Science Watch - 2014 Index



Did you know that you can be a Christian, and believe that the earth is billions of years old?  You can even believe in evolution and be a Christian.  There is no conflict between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper understanding how to merge science and the Bible.  To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

 Feel free to check out more of this website.  Our goal is to provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism, and honor God by properly presenting His creation.