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Creation Science Watch (CSW)

A Summary of YEC/OEC Website Activity

16-22 January 2017


Old Earth Ministries Book Giveaway

      The next book giveaway is  a hardcover copy of Improbable Planet by Dr. Hugh Ross.  Enter here via our Facebook page.

       Congratulations to Doug Sievers, the winner of the book Grand Canyon: Monument to an Ancient Earth.


Creation Science in the Media

  This section lists articles that appear in newspapers, magazines, online news sites, and in television. Some may be very negative towards Christianity.


Book Review: Righting America at the Creation Museum - Mennonite World Review


Answers in Genesis


Flat Earth Proof—Just a Mirage - 16 January. Attempting to 'wow' YEC followers with a few scientific equations (if a YEC 'expert' looks scientific, he should be believed).  Not age of the earth related.


What Would a Monkey Say If It Had a Mind to? - 17 January. Explains a scientific study, and then gives a slight YEC interpretation and a dig at evolutionary ideas of language development.


Determination of the Decay Constants and Half-Lives of Uranium-238 (238U) and Uranium-235 (235U), and the Implications for U-Pb and Pb-Pb Radioisotope Dating Methodologies - 18 January. Technical article from Andrew Snelling, a YEC geologist. Unfortunately, Snelling's arguments rarely bear out the scientific truth.  This provides some 'wow' factor for YEC readers, but will not convince unbiased geologists that YEC is correct.  See the link to 'Dating Methods' at the top of this page for articles on radiometric dating.


Can Forensic Science Trace the World’s Origins? - 19 January.  Bottom line...eyewitness account (Bible) trumps science. Of course this is highly dependent upon your 'interpretation' of the Bible.  For example, OEM believes in an inerrant, literal Genesis, yet the earth is billions of years old.


Islam’s View of God and His Revelation: Reaching Muslims, Part 1 - 20 January. 


A Linguistic Argument for God’s Existence - 21 January.  A lengthy article not directly related to the age of the earth.


Abortion and the Origins Debate - 22 January.  Takes issue with secular evolutionism.


Creation Ministries International


The Z-factor: How a university geology lecturer’s last obstacle to believing a literal Genesis—‘What about coal?’—was overturned in an instant 16 January. The author claims that Z-shaped coal seams must be formed in rushing water. While he convinced this geologist (unknown what his geological specialty was, nor is it known if he was raised YEC, which is true in many YEC scientist cases, making them predisposed to see YEC where there really is none), in reality geologists have no problem with this z-shape, which could form from changing depositional environments, and subsequent compression.


Celebrating Gender Confusion - 17 January. Non age of the earth issue.


The Vanishing Giant - 18 January. Reprint from a Creation magazine article in 2002. Discusses a rapidly decaying elephant carcass, as support for why there are not more fossils from Noah's Flood. Contains no actual scientific evidence of a global flood.


How Do I Approach My Pastor About Genesis? - 19 January.


The Bronze Tree of Sanxingdui: The Oldest man-made Genesis artifact - 20 January. Reprint from Journal of Creation, 2006. Interesting article, but not age of the earth related.


Will the New Heavens and Earth be physical? - 21 January.  Not age of the earth related.


Institute for Creation Research


Fast Evolution Confirms Creationist Theory - 16 January, by Randy Guliuzza.  Nothing new in this article. Takes a scientific point and tries to argue that it proves species could rapidly develop after Noah's Flood.


Well-Known Scientist Resigns, Cites Climate Craziness - 19 January.  Summary from the conclusion: Creation scientists have generally been cautious on this issue, acknowledging that warming has occurred in the recent past and that some of it may be human-caused. However, we argue that the alarmism on this issue is unwarranted and largely fueled by an evolutionary worldview. As evidenced by the dissent in this field, even scientists who are not necessarily creationists agree that the issue has been overblown.



Creation Today & Other Minor YEC Ministries


No new articles today.


Old Earth Articles (the articles listed below may be pro-evolution, anti-evolution, gap theory, etc. Old Earth Ministries (OEM) strives to serve all forms of old earth belief)


Adam, Eden, and the Corruption of Nature: A Thorny Young-Earth Assumption - The Natural Historian, 16 January


Adam and the Genome - A new old earth book available soon.  OEM will be giving away a copy of this book in the coming weeks.


Reasons to Believe

Old Earth Ministries Featured Article of the Week


Transitional Fossils


Science News of Interest to Creationists (Summaries from and other sources)


How to Be a Winner in the Game of Evolution A new study helps explain why different groups of animals differ dramatically in their number of species, and how this is related to differences in their body forms and ways of life.


Presumed young star turns out to be a galactic senior citizen 49 Lib, a relatively bright star in the southern sky, is twelve billion years old rather than just 2.3 billion. For many decades, researchers were stumped by conflicting data pertaining to this celestial body, because they had estimated it as much younger than it really is. Determining its age anew, astronomers have now successfully resolved all inconsistencies.


First humans arrived in North America a lot earlier than believed The timing of the first entry of humans into North America across the Bering Strait has now been set back 10,000 years, scientists report.


Conditions right for complex life may have come and gone in Earth's distant past Conditions suitable to support complex life may have developed in Earth's oceans -- and then faded -- more than a billion years before life truly took hold, a new study has found.


Structures dating to King Solomon discovered New discoveries at Tel Aviv University's Timna Valley excavation have revealed intact defensive structures and livestock pens that provide insight into the complexity of Iron Age copper production.


Discovery adds rock collecting to Neanderthal's repertoire Researchers have discovered a brownish piece of split limestone in a site in Croatia that suggests Neanderthals 130,000 years ago collected the rock that stands out among all other items in the cave.


Fossils found reveal unseen 'footprint' maker  Fossils found in Morocco from the long-extinct group of sea creatures called trilobites, including rarely seen soft-body parts, may be previously unseen animals that left distinctive fossil 'footprints' around the ancient supercontinent Gondwana.


Heat from Earth's core could be underlying force in plate tectonics  For decades, scientists have theorized that the movement of Earth's tectonic plates is driven largely by negative buoyancy created as they cool. New research, however, shows plate dynamics are driven significantly by the additional force of heat drawn from the Earth's core. The new findings also challenge the theory that underwater mountain ranges known as mid-ocean ridges are passive boundaries between moving plates. The findings show the East Pacific Rise, the Earth's dominant mid-ocean ridge, is dynamic as heat is transferred.


Astronomer searches for signs of life on Wolf 1061 exoplanet  Astronomers have located the habitable zone, the region where water could exist on the surface of a planet, on the Wolf 1061, a planetary system that's 14 light years away.







Creation Science Watch Index


OEM's Facebook Page


Did you know that you can be a Christian, and believe that the earth is billions of years old?  You can even believe in evolution and be a Christian.  There is no conflict between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper understanding how to merge science and the Bible.  To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

 Feel free to check out more of this website.  Our goal is to provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism, and honor God by properly presenting His creation.