Understanding Genesis: Contemporary
Adventist Perspectives
Brian Bull, Fritz Guy, Ervin Taylor
Published 1995: 327 pages
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In his The
Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism, the distinguished
American historian, Ronald Numbers documented in detail the essential role
that a devout Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) believer, George McCready Price
(1870-1963), played in creating the initial set of modern fundamentalist
arguments to support a so-called 'Flood Geology' as a means of explaining
the geological column, a position that the scientific community totally
rejects. In recent official pronouncements, the SDA Church continues to
endorse an essentially literalistic interpretation of the Genesis creation
narratives and a geologically recent (<10,000 years) creation and worldwide
flood. What may not be known outside of the Adventist subculture is that
there has been for many decades major criticisms and exceptions voiced by a
number of moderate and progressive SDA theologians and scientists to many
aspects of the traditional Adventist understandings promulgated by
fundamentalist and conservative elements within the SDA faith tradition.
Understanding Genesis: Contemporary Adventist Perspectives is a volume of
papers written by SDA theologians and scientists, most of which hold faculty
appointments at Adventist colleges and universities in North America. The
various chapters provide a spectrum of views on a variety of topics,
including non-fundamentalist interpretations of the Genesis creation and
flood narratives, a consideration of theistic evolution or progressive
creationism, the validity of the evidence dating the geological column and
human prehistory, and other related topics.